Give a High $5

Give a staff member a High $5!

Student gives Dr. Glenn Wood a high five

Make a donation to the Plainfield School District Foundation for Excellence in honor of a District 202 staff member!

Show your appreciation to an amazing District 202 staff, teacher, or administrator by donating $5 or more in recognition of their dedication to the school district and its students.

Your donation will not only support district-wide programs and scholarships, but it will brighten the day of your recognized employee.

The amount of your donation will remain confidential unless you say otherwise.

Where does my donation go?

Your donation to the Foundation for Excellence will support district-wide programs and scholarships.

How will the staff/teacher/administrator be notified?

Staff, teachers and administrators will receive notification of the donation made in their honor, along with any personal note of appreciation that you provide.

teacher with two students at desk

Donations can be made throughout the year. Your tax-deductible gift of appreciation will honor the recipient by making an impact and creating opportunities throughout the district.