Plainfield District 202 showed improvement on the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) continuing its focus on math recovery post-pandemic.

“We are proud of the teaching and learning taking place in our schools right now,” said Dr. Paula Sereleas, District 202 Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.

“Research both locally and nationally demonstrates that the pandemic environment had a detrimental impact on student learning and achievement. However, we are making incremental increases in our test scores.”

The state of Illinois assigns schools to one of five summative designations based on a number of different metrics:

  • Exemplary recognizes the highest performing 10 percent of schools statewide. This year, Walker’s Grove Elementary School earned the exemplary designation.
  • Commendable recognized all schools not in the top 10 percent but not in the lowest 5 percent of schools across the state. This year, all other eligible schools fell into this designation.
  • None of the District 202 schools fell into the lower designations of Targeted, Comprehensive, or Intensive this year.

“Our focus this year remains on math instruction, learning, and achievement and we continue to strive for increased achievement,” Sereleas said.

Preschools including District 202’s Bonnie McBeth Learning Center are not assessed. Scores for Plainfield Academy, which serves both high school and middle school students were incorporated into their home schools’ results.

District average for students across all grade levels in both English Language Arts (ELA) and math performed higher than in 2022. The district average was higher than the statewide average in both ELA and math in 2023.

The percentage of students achieving performance level on the Illinois Science Assessment was 58.8 percent of students while the state average was 52.2 percent.

At the high school level, ninth graders are on track to outperform the state at 91.5 percent of students while the state average is 87.4 percent. On the high school Standardized Achievement Test (SAT) 33.3 percent of students met or exceeded performance levels while at the state level, it was 31.6 percent.

“We are heavily invested in improving classroom instruction which in turn will provide an opportune learning environment for our students to continue to grow and achieve,” Sereleas said.

Visit https://www.illinoisreportcard... to see the full report card and individual school data.