Kevin Mueller and Margie Bonuchi

Dr. Wood, Kevin Mueller and Rod WestfallThe District 202 Foundation for Excellence recently presented the 2024 Walter G. and Juanita F. Niehus Award to retired District 202 Behavior Specialist Kevin Mueller.

The Niehus Award honors staff and support members who have shown extraordinary commitment to students, parents, and employees.

Mueller retired from District 202 in May after 28 years of supporting countless students, families, and staff.

“Kevin has been a staple of the District 202 fabric for decades and I cannot think of a better personification of the Niehus Award than him,” read one nomination.

The long-time behavior specialist assisted school teams throughout the district with supports and resources for students.

“He is an outstanding leader,” read another nomination. “The way that he teaches staff members on appropriate behavioral modifications and how to deliver instruction to meet a variety of student needs is inspiring.”

Mueller’s leadership role included, but wasn’t limited to, professional development presentations, specific behavior trainings as well as individual, team and building level consultation.

“I believe my career goal at District 202 was to impact the culture of behavior and discipline at all grade levels,” Mueller said.

Part of that effort included his involvement in the development of programs during a time when the district was growing faster than most across the nation.

Mueller worked at a juvenile detention center, residential treatment center, and an alternative school before coming to District 202.

He brought those life experiences to the district to help advocate and support students who struggle both socially and emotionally.

“He has a way of reaching not only some of our most struggling students, but also the teams of various staff members that work to provide appropriate programming that is collaborative and effective,” read one nomination. “Kevin has helped me personally grow as a teacher, leader, and parent.”

The Plainfield School District Foundation for Excellence presented the Niehus Award to Mueller at the District 202 Board of Education’s June 26, 2024, regular meeting. The Foundation administers the Niehus Award on behalf of the Niehus family.

The Niehus Award, established in 1986, honors the legacies of former District 202 Superintendent of Schools Walter Niehus and his wife, respected former teacher Juanita Niehus.

“I know many of the previous winners of this award and feel very humbled to be mentioned with them,” Mueller said. “There are so many people in our district worthy of this recognition, and it just makes me so thankful that others see fit to nominate me.”

District 202 Foundation Board Member and 2023 Walter G. and Juanita F. Niehus Award recipient Margie Bonuchi presented the award to Mueller citing his nearly 30 years of leadership in District 202 and the Plainfield community,

As the district behavior specialist, Mueller was involved with:

  • Providing support for teams struggling with challenging behavior at all 31 buildings.

  • Lead trainer for Crisis Prevention.

  • Providing training on restorative practices, relationship building, de-escalation techniques, data collection, setting limits and avoiding power struggles, and countless other techniques to support students.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Glenn Wood said the Niehus Award is the most significant award any staff member can get.

“I was very fortunate to work with so many amazing people in our district,” Mueller said. “They are who I am going to miss the most about this wonderful career.”

Tim Albores, Director of Student Services for High School/Alternative Programs, said he could not think of a more deserving person than Kevin to receive this award.

“Kevin has a talent for bringing a sense of calm and rationality to very stressful situations,” he added.

“His ability to bring simple and extremely effective interventions to teams allows for student success and for teachers and related services to grow from his knowledge and experience.

Since 1983 the Plainfield Foundation for Excellence has raised and contributed about $1.2 million to support District 202 students and staff through grants, scholarships, and special funding.

The Foundation also has supported special programs including a District Art Gallery and high school leadership programs.

For a list of previous Niehus Awardees and more information about the Plainfield Foundation for Excellence or to donate, please visit: