The 2021-22 final Operating budget as approved on August 16, 2021 shows $321 million in expected expenses, up from $298.8 million from last year. Total operating revenues are $324 million, up from $293.3 million from last year.
The operating budget pays for all daily operating expenses including salaries and benefits, which comprise about 79 percent of the Operating Budget this year.
This includes hiring 47 new certified staff, including staff for full-day kindergarten, Wallin Oaks Elementary School and as part of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSERS) grants.
The State of Illinois considers the Education, Operations and Maintenance, Transportation, Working Cash, IMRF and Tort funds together as the “Operating Budget” to assess and rate school districts’ financial health.
District 202’s approved Total 2021-22 budget including debt service and capital projects is $358.3 million, down from 365.5 million from last year. Total revenues are expected to be $357.8 million, up from 334.3 million from last year.
***The $466,000 deficit in the total budget is due to receiving Working Cash bond proceeds in FY21 for capital projects work being completed in FY22, as well as remaining expenses from Wallin Oaks Elementary School.
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