
Mission Statement

Founded in 1975, C.A.P.E. strives to promote unity among, and support for our District’s parent organizations in their service of PSD202, its schools and community. 

Through monthly meetings, special events and regular communications, we provide education, advisory services and mediation to help our parent groups succeed; a bridge between District Administration, the School Board, Community Resources and our member organizations; a forum for sharing ideas, experiences and unified celebrations; and excellence recognition within our schools.

Adopted September 25, 2020                                                             

Email C.A.P.E.


C.A.P.E. Officers

  • Blair Kramer, President

  • Liv DeLeon, First Vice President

  • Brenda Herrera, Second Vice President 

  • La Toya Forrester-Williams, Treasurer 

  • Veronica Fisher, Secretary

  • Ann Schuler, Board Member at Large

CAPE 2024-25 Board standing outside

Get to Know Your C.A.P.E. Board

Blair Kramer

Blair Kramer

Name: Blair Kramer

Position: President, 2023-2025

House: Red

What C.A.P.E. means to me. The C.A.P.E. organization means a great deal to me. C.A.P.E. is an integral part of our district and our community, a bridge between the district, administration, parents, parent groups and community members. C.A.P.E. is helping create a more supportive and informed environment for our district and community, hopefully inspiring others.

I'm serving on the C.A.P.E. board because... I truly believe in what this organization does. It is a platform where I can actively contribute to fostering a stronger, more connected community. I enjoy collaborating to drive positive change and being a part of C.A.P.E. allows me the privilege of meeting Individuals who share my commitment to building a stronger community. I believe in the positive impact C.A.P.E. has on our community.
Ask me about: ANYTHING! We can talk shop (parent group/C.A.P.E. stuff), mom to mom advice, gardening, interior design, organizing and spreadsheets. I love a good spreadsheet. I am here to help and if I can't, I will put you in touch with someone who can.

Fun Fact: I love to do jigsaw puzzles and daydream about creating a jigsaw puzzle swapping system like the Little Free Libraries.

Liv DeLeon

Liv DeLeon

Name: Liv DeLeon

Position: First Vice President, 2023-2025

Brenda Herrera

Brenda Herrera

Name: Brenda Herrera

Position: Second Vice President, 2025-2026

House: Green

What C.A.P.E. means to me. C.A.P.E. to me, means that it is a place where parent/teacher boards can gather to share ideas, ask for help, guidance and ask questions. 

I'm serving on the C.A.P.E. board because… I enjoy helping the community and provide resources when possible. Because of the C.A.P.E. Board Organization, I learned new things from upcoming events to support groups available to parents should they ever need it. 

Ask me about: Library events, local events, Crystal Lawns events/news, Young Rembrandts, Notary Public. 

Fun Fact: I enjoy reading, traveling and dining out with my family, Marvel Fan and Coffee enthusiast. 

La Toya Forrester-Williams

La Toya Forrester-Williams

Name: La Toya Forrester-Williams

Position: Treasurer, 2024-2026

House: Blue

What C.A.P.E. mean to me. C.A.P.E.'s meaning for me can be summed up in one word "EMPOWERING". Since joining C.A.P.E. I have been empowered to be a leader and empower other leaders in my school community. I have the opportunity to be involved in district conversations, see its inner-workings and meet the great administrators and leaders that are working to provide great opportunities to students. It has also allowed me to have a voice and believe that my voice is valued. Finally, C.A.P.E. has provided an opportunity for me to help PTAs and PTOs in the district better serve our students with great information and resources. I am happy to be a part of such a great information network.

I'm serving on the C.A.P.E. board because... The organization is committed to strengthening parent groups and ultimately students in our community. The great leaders of tomorrow are raised by great parents. If I can help to provide parents with resources that allow their students to be impactful as they prepare for the future, then my purpose on Earth has been served. Service through C.A.P.E. allows me to be a part of the growth and development of District 202 families, our community and ultimately, our world.

Ask me about: Please ask me about scholarship opportunities for students interested in attending college, programs to engage and encourage students to meet their full potential, and the mission of PTA and how its goals can successfully empower students within your school.

Fun Fact: I have over 20 sets of twins in my family. 

Veronica Fisher

Veronica Fisher

Name: Veronica Fisher

Position: Secretary, 2023-2025

Ann Schuler

Ann Schuler

Name: Ann Schuler

Position: Board Member at Large, 2024-2025

House: Green

What C.A.P.E. means to me. C.A.P.E. to me is the connection to our community resources, our administration and our families.

I'm serving on the C.A.P.E. board because... I felt it was my chance to help and I am proud to serve on the board. It is important to keep our growing community informed and connected.

Ask me about:
I am passionate about our community. I love fundraising for our schools. Celebrating our staff and our students is very important for a healthy environment. 

Fun fact: I have two girls that are 9 years apart. They are amazing and the reason I am here.

C.A.P.E. Meeting Dates/Minutes

All meetings will be held at the District Administration Center, 15732 Howard Street, Plainfield.
Be sure to bring a photo id for entrance into the building.

Meetings are scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. unless otherwise noted.

C.A.P.E. Awards Ceremony

The 49th annual C.A.P.E. Awards Ceremony is scheduled for April 15, 2025 at Plainfield North High School.

Individual school awards for volunteer, support staff member, and teacher along with the C.A.P.E. Community Award winner will be handed out during the event.

Deadline for Community Award Nomination: March 14

C.A.P.E. Scholarship

C.A.P.E. Board of Education Candidate Forum